Fayth Tan science writer & researcher

Selected writing

Selected essays and journalistic work

Campus surveillance: students and professors decry sensors in buildings
Nature Careers, Oct 2023.

UC San Diego’s expanded on-campus surveillance raises privacy and retaliation concerns
NASW Student Newsroom, Oct 2023.

I’m a Transgender Scientist and I See Myself in “Frankenstein”
Electric Literature, May 2023. Selected for Both/And, a limited essay series for trans BIPOC.

A life of the neurodivergent mind
SISTER STEM, April 2022.

Femininity, Foreignness, and Flowers: How culture shapes scientific discovery
Caltech Letters, Jan 2022. NAS Schmidt Prize winning submission.

No more free kelp in Northern California
The Xylom, Oct 2021. NAS Schmidt Prize winning submission.

shortform writing:

Regular contributions to Oceanbites— marine biology research communicated at a high school levels with very bad puns

Selected pieces:

Thinking out of the box Behavior and neuroscience: Learning in box jellyfish

S’not your typical carbon capture Ecology: Carbon capture by a mucusy marine microbe

This is your brain on arthropod evolution Evolution: Ancient arthropod brain evolution

Diatom Dialogue Ecology: Light communication between diatoms